This year’s exhibition is a celebration of two personal milestones.
It marks a dedication of 55 years as an Australian potter and also my 45th Annual November Exhibition here in Yackandandah (after relocating from Melbourne in 1974).
The passion to create good pots is still strong even though the body is not quite as resilient as it once was. The challenges presented by the demanding processes of salt glazing and Terra Sigillata have not lessened over the years. Indeed, the difficulties associated with obtaining a reliable source for many of my raw materials has made things even more challenging and the outcomes even less predictable. Nevertheless, while my body is still able and my determination not to be beaten is still strong, I will strive to push the boundaries and weather and overcome the constant challenges. My perception of what makes a “good pot” has not changed markedly over the years. The timelessness of good pots is testament to their longevity. I continue to create forms that fulfil my ideals and embellish them with techniques that give me pleasure and satisfaction.
The exhibition will again spread over the extended period of two weekends and the working week between them. This will alleviate problems caused by the Victorian State elections and continued Covid concerns, allowing more flexible planning.
It would give me great pleasure to share this year’s endeavours with you. email. 0417220025